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West Grid Synergy

Project sponsor


Demonstrators in three test zones (connected by the same gas transportation network): Pontivy (Morbihan), Pouzauges (Vendée) and in Mauges (Maine et Loire).

Launch date


Domaines d'application

Renewable and local gas 

• Smart management of the gas network 


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Principal European demonstrator of smart grids for gas, West Grid Synergy is a powerful and ambitious project and a trailblazer in its contribution to the gas activities of SMILE. 


The project aims to demonstrate the reality of a territory powered 100% by green gas by adapting infrastructures, management and use of networks.  


New gas infrastructures: 

  • A 43km gas pipeline provides an outlet for biomethane production in Mauges 
  • The first two “backfeeding” installations in France to send surplus biomethane from the distribution networks to the transport networks. 


New solutions combining networks and digital 

  • Optimisation of “backfeeding” systems. 
  • Dynamic regulation of the delivery pressure at the interface between the transport network and the downstream distribution network which receives biomethane supply. 
  • Indicator to promote the production of renewable gasses in the territories. 
  • Predictive maintenance. 








Added value of the project : 


  • Maximise the integration of renewable gasses at the lowest costs. 
  • Develop new uses for renewable and local gas. 

Start date : 

  • June 2017:  launch of demonstrators. 
  • 2019: start up and deployment of other installations. 


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