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16 septembre 2019

“Integration of RE and flexibility” SMILE visit: a city transformed by smart grids

About: A guided tour to discover the projects related to hydrogen and electromobility deployed in Pays de la Loire as part of SMILE, a showcase for the French expertise of smart grids

Location: Nantes, Pays de la Loire

Experience the carbon-free transport of the future: travel in the world’s longest electric busway, an efficient and sustainable transport system deployed throughout a city, experience the 1st urban hydrogen vehicle loading terminal, discover how hydrogen can be stored on France’s first positive energy service industry building with PassivHaus certification and discover over 50 smart energy projects in the SMILE showroom (showcase of smart-grid know-how) being deployed in western of France.


15th of November

Participants are taken charge of for the whole day - lunch and transport included.

  • 7h23 Departure from Paris, Montparnasse station
  • Arrival at 9h19, in Nantes TGV station
  • Visit of MuLTHy, a hydrogen production and distribution station for hydrogen vehicles
  • Visit of Deltagreen, the first positive energy service building in France
  • Lunch on site
  • Visit of E-busway, a high-level and high-capacity electric bus
  • Visit of the SMILE showroom
  • Return to Nantes station
  • 17h40: return to Paris. Arrival at 19h38


  • Hydrogen,
  • RE,
  • Electric vehicles,
  • Carbon-free mobility,
  • Loading terminals


  • MuLTHy, a hydrogen production and distribution station for hydrogen vehicles, led by Semitan, with Nantes Metropole city, EDF, Eifer, ArevaH2Gen and Haskel partners
  • Deltagreen, the first positive energy service building in France equipped with a stationary hydrogen application, led by Galeo, with Armogreen (Legendre Energie), Powidan, Issol, Sillia and Solarwatt partners
  • E-busway, a high-level and high-capacity electric bus, led by Nantes Metropole city, with Semitan, ABB and Hess partners
  • The SMILE showroom, supported by the Brittany and Pays de la Loire Regions


SMILE association, Solutions&Co and Bretagne Développement Innovation, in partnership with multiple projects stakeholders.

Smile project: smile-smartgrids.fr/en