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28 octobre 2019

Call for expression of interest

Looking for new opportunities to implement yous smart energy-efficient solutions in isolated grids ? Join th ICE community and get the ICE label !


Deadline : 31 december 2019


Link to apply


More information on ICE


Call for expression of interest



Funded by the INTERREG VA France (Channel) England Programme, the Intelligent Community Energy project (ICE) aims to design, implement and promote innovative smart energy solutions for isolated territories facing issues in terms of efficiency, reliability and sustainability in the Channel area. It runs for 50 months, from June 2016 to August 2020, but aims to deliver durable impacts beyond its duration. The project designs and produces an innovative low-carbon energy system (smart grid), able to significantly reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of the territories concerned (50% to 100% compared to a fuel-based system) and secure energy access security. It will cover the entire energy cycle from production to consumption, exploit local renewable energy sources and integrate new and existing technologies currently at different levels of readiness, in order to deliver a comprehensive innovative solution.


In order to validate their feasibility, these solutions will be implemented and tested on real pilot demonstration sites.






The ICE project tackles the key challenge faced by the Channel area in reducing the energy vulnerability of the region. Isolated territories such as islands and peripheral communities of the Channel area are either located at the end of energy distribution networks or depend mainly on fossil fuel generation which can be expensive and vulnerable to supply issues. This implies not only above average carbon emissions, but also higher production and sales costs, energy security issues and lack of resilience as well as higher risk of supply chain disruption. The natural potential of these territories as renewable energy (RE) sources (i.e. marine, wind, solar energy) is currently underexploited and, although feasibility studies have been carried out during the past years, there is the need to move forward to a demonstration phase and towards the transition to a smart energy system.

Furthermore, ICE responds to the territorial need to strengthen cooperation in terms of smart growth. The economic development of this area is currently affected by low investments and the weak competitiveness of local enterprises. The growth and innovation potential of the Channel area should be further maximized by diversifying and sustaining current activities in promising sectors (e.g. marine), supporting the creation of competitive cross-border clusters, assisting SMEs to access funding and support the competitiveness of businesses locally and abroad.




For any questions regarding the ICE certification process, please contact the following ICE partners:

  • Jérémie BAZIN – Technopôle Brest-Iroise: jeremie.bazin@tech-brest-iroise.fr
  • Laura COTTE – Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique: laura.cotte@polemer-ba.com
  • Rachel PORTAL-SELLIN – Technopole Quimper Cornouaille: rachel.sellin@tech-quimper.fr
  • Peter Connor – Université d’Exeter: P.M.Connor@exeter.ac.uk
  • Jonathan WILLIAMS – Marine South East: jw@mseuk.org