To federate the stakeholders of the SMILE project, a SMILE Smartgrids association was created on December 7, 2016 at the time of the founding General Assembly, presided over by the founding members: the Brittany and Pays de la Loire regions. Composed of a board of Directors who meet for general assembly meetings, on a daily basis it is run by two regional coordinators.
1Board of Directors
The SMILE board of directors is presided over by André Crocq, regional councillor for Brittany in charge of energy and by Laurent Gérault, vice-president of the Regional council for Pays de la Loire, in charge of energy transition and sustainable growth.
The missions of the SMILE board of directors are to :
- determine the strategic orientations of the SMILE project and the plan of actions;
- give their opinion on the integration of projects to be supported in the SMILE context;
- approve SMILE projects, according to the recommendations of the expert panels;
- monitor SMILE’s progress and results.
Composition :
Administrators :
- Brittany Region
Pays de la Loire Region
Nantes City
Rennes City
Morbihan Energies
CCI Brittany
CCI Pays de la Loire
Representatives of various associations :
- Local and regional authorities : Lorient Agglomération / CARENE St-Nazaire Agglomération
- Large companies : Atlantic / Delta Dore
- SMBs : NKE Watteco / Vity Technology
- Research and training organisations : Institut Mines Telecom
- Economic facilitators ans structures supporting export : Atlansun
- Financial establishments : Caisse des dépôts
Observer members : Ville de Saint-Malo, Schneider Electric, GRTgaz, EDF, Engie, Epex Spot and GRDF.
6representative associations
Represented on the Board of directors, these 6 associations bring together all of the party stakeholders :
- Local and regional authorities
- Large companies
- Small and medium businesses
- Research and training organisations
- Economic facilitators and structures supporting export
- Financial establishment
6representative associations
Represented on the Board of directors, these 6 associations bring together all of the party stakeholders :
- Local and regional authorities
- Large companies
- Small and medium businesses
- Research and training organisations
- Economic facilitators and structures supporting export
- Financial establishment