The members of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors
2 Founding Members and Presidents of the Board of Directors

André Crocq
Regional Advisor for the Energy Transition in the Brittany Region

Deputy Chairman in charge of the Environment, the Energy Transition, Sustainable Growth and Housing in the Pays de la Loire Region
- Jean-Philippe LAMARCADE, Olivier FONTANIE, Gilles ROLLET
Enedis - Jo BROHAN, Henri LE DORZE
Morbihan Énergies - Bernard CLOUET
Rennes Métropole in charge of Energy and Waste - Jérôme FINOT
Director of S2E2 - Jean-François GARREC, Louis MAURICE
CCI Bretagne - Julie LAERNOES
Nantes Métropole - Gérard LE BIHAN
Images & Réseaux - Alain LEBOEUF, Jean-Michel ROUILLE
SyDEV (Public service for Vandée energies) - Didier NOUYOU
SDE35 (Department 35 energy syndicate) - Carole PITOU-AGUDO
Representative for RTE West - Mickaël THOMAS
CCI Pays de la Loire - Sébastien RAMOS, Stéphane MAMOU
Engie - Christophe HERVE
EDF - Amaury MAZON
GRTgaz - Christelle ROUGEBIEF
9 representatives of industry committees
- Jean-Paul AUCHER
Advisor in charge of Energy for Lorient Agglomération- “Regional Authorities” Committee - Laurent AUGU
Research and Development Director for Vity Technology - “SMBs” Committee - Uwe BRAMKAMP
In charge of Advanced Research for Groupe Atlantic (Germany) - “Large Companies” Committee - Simon DUCASSE
General Delagate for Atlansun - “Economic stakeholders and Agencies supporting companies for export” Committee - Pascale HAMEAU
Deputy Chairman CARENE - “Regional Authorities” Committee - Loïc HEUZE
Director of External Relations DELTA DORE - “Large Companies” Committee - Jean-Claude LE BLEIS
Manager NKE Watteco - “SMBs" Committee - Bruno LACARRIERE
Professor IMT-Atlantique - “Research and Training Centres” Committee - Philippe LAMBERT / Gil VAUQUELIN
Regional Directors Caisse des dépôts - “Banking and Financial Establishments”