AAP – Sustainable Transport and Mobility

Call for Projects – Investments in the Future – Sustainable Transport and Mobility – Accelerating the development of efficient innovation ecosystems
The AAP (Call for projects) "Accelerating the development of efficient innovations ecosystems” is part of the Programme for Investments in the Future (PIA). Its aim is to fund research, development and innovation projects sponsored by French companies implementing the works and results of public research laboratories, research promotion structures or research institutes across the country. Only projects relating to sustainable transport, logistics and mobility can qualify for this AAP.
The AAP selects industrial projects developing ambitious, innovative and sustainable technologies, services and/or solutions for transport (of passengers or merchandise), logistics and mobility. This results in ambitious economic development of the companies developing these projects.
The call for projects opened on January 4th, 2018 and will close on December 31st, 2018 at 15h.