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Domaines d'application

User awarness and energy demand management

Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

The aim is to develop a unique public internet platform, with multiple interfaces, through the implementation of a “federation” of complementary and evolutive applications to:


  • Raise the awareness of users on energy savings,

  • Help users to get involved by providing them with the means of acting concretely, to reduce their energy consumption or to invest in renewable energy (the core ambition of the territorial actions for controlling energy demand, renewable energy and smart networks)


Over time, this platform will be intended for several different profiles:


  • Citizens: digital facilitation measures (audits, advice, analysis of specifications and quotes, evaluation of results, …), implementation of private support services

  • Local authorities: Dashboards, diagnostic services, monitoring of territorial energy policies, territorial analysis tool for energy poverty…

  • Stakeholders of the thermal renovation industry: collaborative platform (contracting authorities, heating specialists, craftspersons, banks, …)


The centralisation of as much data as possible, made available or actively collected, will make it possible to associate actions to control public/private energy demand and to connect this platform to the rest of the SMILE smart system.


There are several progressive spatial planning and deployment phases to organise with local authorities and residents.




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