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The Intermarché shopping centre in Noirmoutier


Noirmoutier (85)

Domaines d'application

  • Self-consumption
  • PV solar
  • Electric mobility
Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

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The Intermarché shopping centre in Noirmoutier is implementing a collaborative self-consumption project. The supermarket’s neighbouring retailers (clothes shop, hair dresser, dry cleaners…) will be able to consume locally produced renewable electricity, with an estimated solar coverage rate of 30%. 89% of production will be used, leaving the possibility for future consumers to join the project. The dry cleaner’s hot water system is also being studied to optimise self-consumption.


This project, managed by the Mousquetaires group, supported by System Off Grid design office and in partnership with ENEDIS, is an indication of the group’s desire to develop the collaborative self-sufficiency model. The medium-term objective is to duplicate the project on equivalent sites, through the standardisation of tools for decision making and for monitoring operations.


Added value of the project:


  • An innovative self-consumption project for a business and tourist zone
  • A model which can be replicable to the shopping centres and retail parks in the mousquetaires group
  • Development of digital tools for monitoring energy and finances, specific to collaborative energy self-consumption (from a producer and consumer view point)

Launch date : 2019

Project sponsor:SCI du Bois

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