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Project sponsors


ICAM, Nantes.

Domaines d'application

• Construction 

• Management and production of Renewable Energies 

Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

The project aims to develop and test, on preindustrial pilots, BAPV (Building Applied PhotoVoltaics) products made from flexible, ultra-light and semi-transparent organic solar cells in 4 use cases applied to buildings on the ICAM site in Nantes.


The goal is to produce renewable, self-consumable electricity on site and to use opaque cells to reduce overheating in some parts of the building in the context of rising temperatures and increasingly frequent heatwaves. The point of this project is to demonstrate the viability of photovoltaic energy production on building surfaces on which classic solar panels would not be suitable. 


Added value of the project


• Development of systems for integration of OPV cells on high potential applications. 

• Provide regional, national, or even international visibility for this carbon-free photovoltaic solution 

Participate in training of future engineers, technicians, and prescribers of this new technology. 


Démarrage : septembre 2020.


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