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Open Energy Data
Project sponsor

Cesson-Sévigné (35), swimming pool - Rennes (35), Le Château, Les Gantelles Schools - le Rheu (35), L’autre Lieu, Clos Joury Schools, Sports complex Expansion to new Rennes towns planned for 2018 and 2019Launch date
02/01/2017Domaines d'application
- Active management processes and user support
- Involvement of buildings’ technical administrators to determine use cases
- Implementation of information actions on power and environmental issues
- Use of consultation actions and crowdsourcing to find technical solutions
Flexibilité & réseaux

SMILE's involvement in this project
Open Energy Data is a project supporting towns in the energy management of their properties, based on the deployment of a LoRa network associated with sensors (multi-fluid meters, field data…), an analysis and restitution platform and supporting actions.
The aim is to:
- Monitor power consumption in public buildings
- Identify and resolve problems
- Implement awareness actions to better work on energy uses
- Allow for remote control of machinery so as to optimise energy consumption and regulations
Gathering energy data in the city, will facilitate the reduction and optimisation of power consumption and will simplify decision making on the use of machinery, the renovation of buildings and the awareness of users.
Added value of the project
- Collection, transfer and analysis of data
- Control of machinery
- Reduction of energy consumption
- Development of the uses of the Internet of Things
- Reduction of costs related to the purchase of data on the energy consumption of buildings
Partners :
Rennes Métropole, Rennes local energy agency (ALEC du pays de Rennes), Rennes Metropole town, consortium of companies and industries (in preparation), IRISA.
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