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Belle île en merLaunch date
20/09/2018Domaines d'application
Integration of renewable energies
User awarness and energy demand management
Smart building
Smart territories
Smart islands
Green mobility

This 1st smart island project in France tests the smart sustainable mobility electric ecosystem covering the island of Belle-île.
It aims to reduce the carbon footprint by limiting the rotation of tankers supplying the island in fuel, but also to reduce the emission of pollutants from heating and transport, while maintaining an exemplary level of service.
The project involves the design of global solutions, using long proven technologies alongside newer technologies, to provide for local needs. The implemented optimisations are replicable on other islands or islets (districts, cities).
It is based on 3 cornerstones:
• Renewable energies and stationary storage of solar energy:
The energy assets of the VVF site (family holiday camp) will be optimised through:
o A software driven stationary storage system composed of second life EV batteries, to increase the lifespan of electric vehicles to support the energy transition, to store the electricity produced during the day (surplus to energy consumption), and to make it available in the evening according to demand when there is no photovoltaic production. This will expand the period during which the site is open
o Integration of a mobility service, charged mainly by solar electricity produced on the site.
Othe sites may be assessed and added on a similar pattern over time.
• Smart charging with the aim of controlling vehicle charging to find the right balance:
Between mobility needs and the optimisation of energy related flow: controlled charging of vehicles to use the surplus energy produced by the PV panels installed on the buildings. Connection with the Enedis IS to test this new service for the electricity system.
• Electric carsharing vehicles:
Renault, in partnership with Les Cars Bleus, has made a carsharing service available to tourists and residents since the summer of 2019:
o based on the innovative digital Renault Mobility offer.
o proposed on a fleet of Zoe and Kangoo
o implementation of a dozen charging stations spread across the island to begin with.
Added value of the project:
The region’s desire to bring change to mobility and to the development of renewable energies makes this a favourable situation for this project.
This partnership project associates a car manufacturer, an urban planner who happens to be an AODE (Authority Organising the Distribution of Electricity), the network operator and a service provider. It brings together public and private stakeholders of the ecosystem to carry out this innovative project for the integration of renewable energy and the development of electric mobility.
Finally, this project, carried out on an island connected to the mainland distribution network, allows us to imagine future deployments on a much larger scale for the solutions tested.
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