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3 Avenue des Lions, 44800 SAINT-HERBLAIN

Domaines d'application

Hydrogen mobility 

Mobilité durable

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MULTHY, is the implementation (on a trial basis with the plan to deploy across the territory) of a comprehensive H2 station including the production of hydrogen through electrolysis and compression/distribution. 


This installation is intended for light commercial vehicles (e.g. Kangoo ZE/H2), vans in captive fleets (public and private), and for personal vehicles traveling throughout the region. 


The aim is to prove the suitability of this technology as part of the efforts towards the energy transition in Nantes city, increased autonomy and therefore more reassuring use of electric vehicles. 





Added value of the project


  • Development of the first French station to produce hydrogen through PEM electrolysis. 
  • Adapting distribution to the types of vehicles available in the region. 
  • Possibility to follow the customer and invoice hydrogen. 


Start date : May 2016.



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