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Renewable energies

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The aim of Parcel-ER is to create a collective solar map, i.e., a map of the territories’ solar supply, to facilitate the evaluation of its potential in solar energy. A solar map would provide access to concrete information on the technical feasibility of solar energy production projects.


To minimise the costs of producing this map and to generalise the key success factors, the idea is to industrialise the method and tools. Solar is becoming a strategic territorial tool: standardising the tool across the SMILE network will enable the territories to get onboard the process leading to widespread use of solar power across the territory and the implementation of a common interest group between local authorities to stimulate the circulation of best practices therefore participating in the extensive deployment of solar energy.


Project objectives:


Techniques: Deploy solar map solutions across over 7000 km2 (equivalent to a French department)


Energy related: Participate in the development of 500 MW of solar photovoltaics and thermics by 2020


Environmental: Use the solar map to promote renewable technologies with a low impact on climate, along with renovation processes and raising awareness about energy sobriety.


User involvement: The aim is to transfer the tools and methods to local authorities and local public stakeholders to generalise the key success factors.


Economic: Increase the rate of transformation for solar projects in terms of fulfilment and equip the territories with a lever for economic development


Industrial: Industrialise a digital and physical tool to support the energy transition


Commercial: Supply 1 million residents in Brittany and Pays de la Loire by late 2019 and export this solution to a European country by 2020


Added value of the project:

The project sponsor’s business model does not include pay from the businesses deploying the solar technologies. The differentiation is in the provision of information to the stakeholders of the relevant territories.

The aim is to massify the production and distribution of renewable energy in the territory.


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