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Smart Lorette

Project sponsor


Quartier de Lorette à Saint-Malo

Launch date


Domaines d'application

Smart district

Smart building and self-consumption


Green mobility

Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

SMILE's involvement in this project

Tangible help with funding
Active contribution in the implementation of smart grid projects

The Smart Lorette project consists of designing, implementing and operating a smart grid on part of the future Lorette district.

The site of this project, the former army barracks (Caserne de Lorette), is situated at the entrance to the town of Saint-Malo and is an important element of local history. The town of Saint Malo is refurbishing this site to transform it into a residential district oriented towards the citizens of tomorrow. Over time, 430 new dwellings will be created in this environment which aims to achieve “ECODISTRICT” certification.




The Smart Lorette project plans to deploy the following smart grid technologies and services to residents:

•    Reduction in the demand for energy through the design and implementation of energy efficient buildings.

•    Local production of renewable energies: photovoltaic electric energy produced and consumed locally in self-consumption.

•    Optimised design and control of heating uses to regulate the demand for energy.

•    Implementation of “Smart building” and “Smart Charging”: Connected dwellings and buildings (aiming for “ready 2 grid” certification) integrating management and charging of electric vehicles in the carparks among other services.

•    Management of flexibility and control of demand in the district (in particular through storage).

•    A supervision tool which will not only optimise the flow and consumption of energy but will also educate and inform the district’s residents on energy matters and draw residents towards responsible processes.

•    Implementation of low-carbon mobility services in the district.

•    Implementation of “Smart lighting” in public areas.





Added value of the project:


A veritable transfer of a smart grid project to a district, beyond the technology challenges, this project aims to build a sustainable and innovative legal and economic business model involving the town of Saint Malo, the project sponsors and future owners and residents of the district.


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