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Self-consumption and Storage PV plant

Project sponsor


2 Avenue Jean Claude Bonduelle, 44040 NANTES

Domaines d'application

• Smart energy management 


Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents
Mobilité durable

SMILE's involvement in this project

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As part of the European project mySMARTLife, this project involves the implementation of a solar panel plant for 125 kW combined with a storage capacity on 50 kWh, Lithium-ion batteries, for the production of electricity in self-consumption to power 3 tertiary buildings for the Banque CIC Ouest.


Depending on requirements, this energy will either be delivered directly to the buildings or stored on a battery. An electric vehicle charging station will also be installed as part of the project. 


Added value of the project

  • An innovative business model to fund the implementation and operation of renewable energy productions across several self-consumption tertiary buildings.  
  • Storage of surplus energy, for use when demand is highest. 
  • A scalable project with the potential for future deployment of charging stations in the carpark. 


Start date : April 2019.



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