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Quartier Malakoff, Rue de Madrid, 44100 Nantes

Domaines d'application

• Photovoltaic solar 

 Social housing 

Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

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This is an experimental project for the installation of 416m2 of solar panels on the roof of the Tchécoslovaquie building in the Malakoff district. 


Nantes Métropole Habitat has numerous, potentially useable rooves, but the consumption of the communal areas of these buildings is quite low during the daytime. Exchanging with tertiary or activity buildings – schools and social centres of the city of Nantes – would optimise the use of this energy. The photovoltaic plant will develop a power of 76 KWc and should supply 16% of the needs of these sites over a year. 


Added value of the project:

  • Validate a 1st collaborative self-consumption operation for Nantes Métropole Habitat and the city of Nantes. 
  • Evaluate a business model replicable to other sites. 
  • Optimise the rooves of buildings in Nantes Métropole Habitat. 


Start date: January 2019.




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