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Project sponsors


ZA du Closo (Pénestin) + 10 to 15 service industry or residential buildings

Launch date


Domaines d'application

  • Collaborative self-consumption
  • Production of renewable energy
  • Open Data
Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

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Partagélec Pénestin (Partagélec = play on words around “share + electricity”. Pénestin is the name of a town on the Morbihan region) is a collaborative self-consumption project based on the production of PV electricity and located on several site around the town. Pénestin was identified by ENEDIS as one of 4 ongoing pilot projects on collaborative self-consumption around France, alongside Forclquier, Bordaux and Perpignan. The long term goal of these projects is to demonstrate the viability and the sustainability of a photovoltaic system in self-consumption mode.  


After an initial feasibility study, Pargagélec Penestin is gradually entering the operational implementation phase. 



Added value of the project : 


  • Concrete implementation of the legal procedures relating to collaborative self-consumption.  
  • Full-scale viability test.

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