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Saint-Nicolas des Glénan

Project sponsor


île Saint-Nicolas des Glénan (commune de Fouesnant)

Launch date


Domaines d'application

Production of renewable energies

Collaborative self-consumption

Autoconsommation & bâtiments intelligents

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Project description:


The island of Saint-Nicolas des Glénan, Fouesnant, is well on its way to becoming an energy self-sufficient island. Fouesnant and Enedis, project partners, wish to make this “laboratory” a showcase for the energy transition. The island, which is not connected to the mainland network, hosts 1000 visitors a day during the summer months. This project proposes the renovation of the interconnection of power and the operating system, to improve the energy efficiency of the network of an island in microgrid (small electricity network). The island is the perfect representation of a microgrid, isolated across the entire value chain (production mix, hybrid batteries, flexibles uses, smart metres and global management of the system). The project aims to achieve 90% renewable energy to power the island by April 2019, and 100% renewable energy by 2021.



Project objectives:


  • Techniques: renovation of the energy distribution, development of the Energy Management System (EMS), deployment of Linky smart metres and access to energy data, and flexible uses. In phase II: integration of production & consumption forecasts in the EMS to target 100% renewable energy and adjustment of storage capacities if necessary.

  • Energy related: Control over the energy consumption of cafés and restaurants

  • Environmental: Objective “0 emission” greenhouse gas and elimination of fuel transport between the island and the continent (around 7000 litres excl. CIP)

  • User involvement: specific actions addressed to visitors (awareness of the ecological footprint, promotion of the site, etc.), cafés & restaurants (appropriation of supervision tools, etc.) and support for consent for sharing consumption data.

  • Industrial: Reference solution for microgrids

  • Commercial: Export replicability for sub-contractors or for Enedis




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