Project sponsor

Launch date
01/07/2020Domaines d'application
Renewable energies management
User awarness
Smart building
Smart disctrict

The data produced today by local territorial authorities and private stakeholders evolves rapidly, reflecting the situation in the territories. This data is crucial to assess the integration of new projects, energy, access to transport, services, social mix, parks & gardens, etc.
In this context, the Urban Think® project is developing a smart app supporting the territories and connecting stakeholders through an online tool. The app enables an observation of the territories and an assessment of development projects, to provide visibility on the energy resilience of towns and districts.
A use-case for the Smile PRIDE certified project, Urban Think® is hosted on a web mapping platform, supplied by reference indicators. These indicators enable the assessment and simulation of the impacts of development projects through cross-referencing and enrichment of this data.
Project objectives:
- Techniques:
- Connection to the PRIDE platform,
- Modelling of data on collaborative self-consumption, mobility, smart grid, smart building, networks (electricity, heat, gas…)
- Energy related: Adapt the existing potential indicators from 6 to 10 indicators for assessing energy performance
- Environmental: Provide support to EPCIs (Public Establishments for Intercommunal Cooperation) for the optimisation of their potential for collaborative self-consumption as a bonus of the Urban Think application.
- User involvement: The project is planned to incorporate user feedback, product developments or sourcing, as well as the implementation of demo prototypes.
- Economic: The EPCIs have urban data which is difficult to use in its current state. 100% of this data (technical, environmental, energy, geographical) is fragmented and underused as most of it is inaccessible and some has not yet been produced. For each EPCI/commune/conurbation/town employee it is estimated that around 20 hours are wasted per month, per person and per project, just searching for data.
- Commercial: SETUR positions itself on the market, in SAS mode, in the publication and subscription of software solutions for local and regional authorities, EPCIs, Regional/ Departmental - Planners, site operators, departmental energy syndicate, and any establishments interested in collaborative self-consumption
Added value of the project:
This is a use-case on collaborative self-consumption for the PRIDE certified project: platform for collection, processing and visualisation of energy data for Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Vendée and Haute Normandie regions. The project participates in the calculation of the “Carbon Budget”, collects and manages the data, and educates users.
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